"We've been delighted with Virtua's performance in only a short amount of time."
Dr. Frank Kolodziej , President of Somascan
In the world of medical imaging, Puerto Rico-based
Somascan is a shining star. In fact, many imaging centers
would be proud to claim the wide range of high-end diagnostic
imaging technology that Somascan offers, including
3.0-Tesla MRI, 64-slice CT, PET/CT, and digital subtraction
angiography. As if that weren't enough, the 32-year-old San
Juan conglomerate operates its
own cyclotron, plans to acquire a
new high-field open MRI system,
may soon enter the world of 128-
slice CT, and could soon provide
positron-emitted mammography (PEM).
With a strong emphasis on advanced
technology, it's no surprise
that Somascan has once again
joined forces with another shining
star, Middleburg Heights, OH based
Codonics, this time to acquire
the technology needed to record
data-intensive diagnostic imaging
studies onto CDs and DVDs.
The acquisition of five ultra-fast
Codonics Virtua© Medical Disc
Publishers has reinforced the relationship
between the two companies that began in 2004
when Somascan installed the first of five Codonics Horizon©
Multi-media Dry Imagers.
"Our success with Codonics and its Horizon imager was 90%
of the reason why we acquired the Virtua systems," said
Frank Kolodziej, M.D., president of Somascan. "We've been
very happy with the Horizon units and had great confidence
that we'd see the same success with the Virtua. We haven't
been disappointed."
Before acquiring the Virtua systems, Somascan relied on
older technology to burn images onto discs. Those systems
required more steps to operate, recorded studies slowly, were
less efficient, and provided inferior labeling capabilities. A better
solution was needed, so Somascan looked to Codonics
and its Virtua recorder.
"This device is useful for everyone, especially for our patients,"
Kolodziej said. "Virtua makes
storing data easy and practical.
It also makes transporting data
to appointments with physicians
much easier compared with
films, which can be damaged
in transit."
Virtua can record up to 60
CDs or 30 DVDs an hour - up
to one disc per minute. The
recorder is specifically
designed for high-volume
imaging applications such as
breast MR, PET/CT, MRA and
CTA, and is the only device
that can keep pace with multimodality
environments, where
individual imaging systems
can create thousands of images per hour.
All Virtua models feature a sleek, compact design that
includes an advanced processor for receiving and managing
studies, a robotic disc recorder and printer, and a world-class
touch screen interface. The built-in printer produces brilliant,
full-color disc labels that can be easily created by customers or
with assistance from Codonics' label design service. Indeed,
Virtua sets the standard for medical disc recording systems,
burning customized discs that are ready to leave
when the patient is - without any interruption in workflow.
In contrast, Somascan's previous device recorded exclusively
in a DICOM format, rendering discs virtually unreadable by
patients and non-radiologists, Kolodziej said. However, the
Codonics Virtua is more flexible, recording data in formats that
may be viewed on any computer. Kolodziej said that most of
the discs Somascan records are created for patients, who can
store them at home and bring them to follow-up medical
appointments if they wish.
"We decided to switch to the Virtua in order to acquire a more
universal recording system- one that would present DICOM
data into formats that could be easily viewed by patients or
any physician," Kolodziej said. "Now, any
physician with a computer, not just radiologists
who are familiar with DICOM , can view
recorded images anywhere."
Clearly, the Codonics Virtua and Horizon are
perfect imaging center companions. The
Horizon quickly and flawlessly prints highquality
images onto film, color paper and
grayscale paper, enabling Kolodziej to depict
areas of interest as clearly and accurately as
possible. The entire patient study may then
be burned onto a CDorDVD that is professionally
accented with customized labels which
include the company logo and other full-color
graphics. Complementing key images with
the entire study on disc enhances communication
between the clinician and patient
while providing a marketing edge that other
clinics simply cannot match.
"The ability to print onto color and grayscale paper is critical to
us," Dr. Kolodziej said. "Most physician practices in San Juan
don't have a means of viewing films - doctors must hold the
film up to a ceiling light in order to visualize it." He added that
using Virtua to then record onto disc "has greatly improved our
efficiency, and it has saved our centers a substantial amount of
money when everything is considered."
Kolodziej and his colleagues have found the disc capabilities
of Virtua especially useful in treating cancer patients. A key
component in evaluating cancer is the ability of physicians to
compare prior studies. Virtua puts a high volume of imaging
data on discs that can be easily stored, retrieved, and
compared. According to Kolodziej, several studies and thousands
of images may be recorded onto a single disc. If a
patient loses a disc, or a partnering physician wants a copy,
an additional disc can be created almost instantaneously.
Virtua is also useful for cardiac studies, which often create
large volumes of images. Using Virtua, all relevant data
acquired in cardiac studies can be recorded quickly and easily,
Kolodziej said.
"In coronary artery studies, we often capture thousands of images,"
he said. "By narrowing the field of view and other parameters
we can burn all the required data onto a single disc."
While studies are usually recorded for patients, discs often are
given to referring physicians. If a referrer has a question, the
disc may go full circle and back to Somascan physicians for
review. Using CDs and DVDs to store data, the movement of
information between patient, referring physician and radiologist
is smooth and simple.
According to Kolodziej, the capability to record data onto discs
as quickly, easily and dependably as possible
improves workflow and results in cost benefits
to practices as well. Digital data is always at the
physician's fingertips, eliminating time-consuming
searches through paper-based records.
Additionally, the Codonics system is virtually
trouble-free, eliminating costly down time. When
records from unaffiliated practices are difficult to
acquire, a disc brought in by the patient eliminates
the need to track down images. And, the
creation of discs is so simple that the process
enables technologists to spend more time performing
the clinical work they were trained to do.
Finally, the high-quality labels that Virtua creates
add an element of professionalism.
"A good label gives the impression that our technology is up to
date," Kolodziej said. "With Virtua, it is."
There are other benefits. The purchase price of Virtua is
comparatively low, operating costs are minimal, the footprint
is small, and Codonics personnel are readily available to
provide service and support if needed.
"Even more important, however, is the clinical benefit that it
enables. Virtua gives patients a record of their images, allows
them to share that information with any physician, and enhances
overall patient care. At Somascan, we've been delighted with
Virtua's performance in only a short amount of time."
This model/configuration of Virtua is not available for purchase or use in the United States.