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Codonics, Inc.


Horizon® Service/Warranty

With our revolutionary Sunrise Express Warranty, 24/7 technical support and exclusive Smart Card technology, you'll never worry about imager service again

Horizon Service

At Codonics, you'll find knowledgeable, solutions-oriented people committed to delivering quality imaging products and outstanding customer service.

Our Horizon imager is designed with the highest standards of quality and reliability in mind. With over 25,000 imager installations worldwide, Codonics has the experience and global reach to provide the service and support you deserve, plus the quality and reliability you demand.

The compact size of Horizon allows for our unique "swap" service, providing greater uptime and a lower total cost than traditional on-site service plans, focusing you on your patients and workflow, not on your diagnostic imager.


Abeke, Gabon   First installation of Codonics Horizon G2 imager at the Marcel ABEKE Hospital... Click here for the full story

Raising the Bar on Imaging Service   As the area's leading imaging center, MRI at Belfair services specialists including cardiologists who rely on diagnostic... Click here for the full story

Horizon Service
  • Sunrise Express Warranty provides a replacement imager if the problem cannot be solved by our 24/7 support team
  • All replacement or "swap" imagers arrive with current upgrades and software
  • Smart Card technology allows for instantaneous feature and configuration information to be installed onto a swap Horizon unit
  • First year warranty, service and support is automatically included on all Horizon imagers
Service Features