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Codonics Safe Label System (SLS) greatly reduces preventable medication errors anywhere medications are prepared such as the OR, ICU, PACU, patient floors, nurse medication prep stations and pharmacy to deliver safe and predictable results. An award-winning, FDA-approved Class 2 medical device, SLS uses barcode technology and a sophisticated, comprehensive database to identify drugs on demand during preparation and administration, responding with visual and audible prompts and multiple safety checks to remove the element of human error.

As a final output, SLS prints Joint Commission-compliant, full-color medication labels complete with 1D and 2D content that enables barcode point-of-care (BPOC) confirmation when integrated with anesthesia information management systems (AIMS) and electronic medical records (EMR). Without disruption of a typically hectic workflow, SLS significantly improves medication safety and ensures compliance with best practices and standards to improve patient safety, efficiency and accuracy.

A key part of medication management, Safe Label System will help eliminate labeling errors on prepared drugs, making healthcare safer for all of us. Codonics is committed to ending preventable medication errors forever.

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Frost & Sullivan Technology Innovation Award

Safe Label System is the proud recipient of Frost & Sullivan's 2014 Best Practices Award.

Learn more about the award >

View the Frost & Sullivan report >

"In the actual clinical use of SLS, end users report improved efficiency (20-30%),
reduced errors (95%),and improvements in compliancy and related safety
in connection with reduced near misses."

Swathi Allada
Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst,
Medical Devices